Our proven and successful divorce process empowers you to feel confident facing YOUR new future.
An initial meeting where we can learn about your situation, answer any questions you have and explain the various options for getting divorced, and get clarity on the desired outcome. At that meeting we’ll give you a list of documents to provide to us and client data sheets to complete.
Your divorce is unique to you. At this meeting, we will work together to develop your goals and objectives, review gathered documentation and identify outstanding information.
It’s our turn to do the hard work. We will complete all of the data entry, analysis, and report preparation.
You will be presented with reports illustrating both the short-term and long-term financial impacts of various settlement proposals. We will analyze the tax implications and discuss with you all the implications of the choices you are making now.
You are empowered to successfully execute your settlement and financially support your individual household. We work with you to as long as necessary to ensure that all the terms of the settlement agreement are completed, and you get all the assets you are entitled to receive.
The role of the CDFA® professional is to assist you and your lawyer to understand how the financial decisions you make today will impact your financial future.